J. Hamilton


"freeing yourself [is] one thing; claiming ownership of that freed self [is] another."

– Toni Morrison

Jalen Hamilton is the product of front porch candy stores, neosporin, and barbershops. As a former enthusiast of pointed sideburns and Chicago’s vacant lots, Jalen has utilized his surroundings to create poetry that discusses the cultural significance and intersectionality of African American identities . With heavy influences from artists such as Kendrick Lamar, Richard Wright, Saul Williams, ASAP Mob, and Lang Leav, Jalen believes his primary purpose as an artist is to educate.


As a spoken word artist, Jalen has performed on stages spanning from Washington, D.C.,  to Omaha, Nebraska. Jalen’s vision and creative direction is rooted in understanding the necessity of documenting communal experiences. Using a love for writing as the foundation for all endeavors, Jalen has utilized this passion to help create curriculum for first year college students, to facilitate workshops on Mental Wellness and the college experience, and as a volunteer organizer of the Black Mental Wellness Weekend open mic in Chicago, IL (2017).